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Messages - Shogun

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Sony PlayStation / Re: !EVERYTHING! PS3
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:18:52 PM »
hello children....

long time since i come on this forum. but i need my fellow gatters help. at first i was like "i good with my PS2 right now yes" but i seeing plenty good games coming out for the PS3 and I thinking maaaybe it's time for a upgrade :P and the price drop a little now by like $100 US.

so what you think? worth the buy? wait a lil longer? get a Wii (or a PSP)?

Console Gaming Archive / Re: Tekken 5 DR to get online play
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:12:44 PM »
so i could cut baego ass from canada?

Showcase / Shogun Studio's Latest
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:25:18 PM »
Hey guy, it's been a while since i shared one of my AMV's for you. I did this one at the end of 2005 featuring Final Fantasy Advent Children, to System of a Down's Question. Check it out, tell me what you think!

Media / Re: XMEN 3 scene AFTER credits roll **Spoiler Alert**
« on: June 01, 2006, 06:58:07 PM »
yeah but baego they doin that already horse. cliffhanger ending? talks about spinoffs? you gettin what i saying.

If i had my way, x-men 3 would have totally been about apocolypse, featuring angel as the new x man and some what central to the story line. would have been good with the whole horseman of death arc, pretty simple. THEN make the next movie focused on the dark phoenix.

anyways i dun talk. we all have different feelings on this and i don't think they will be changed.

Media / Re: XMEN 3 scene AFTER credits roll **Spoiler Alert**
« on: May 31, 2006, 03:34:37 AM »
lol, shogun.

That is harsh.

You want them to cram 15 years of comic book character development in 2 hours?

It just cannot be done.

They made a damn good effort of giving us a piece of marvel movie magic within those constraints.

baego baego baego.... sigh....
i tired of ppl using that argument to justify the atrocities that made x-men 3 a disaster. of course they cannot cram 15 years of story into a 2 hour movie. I don't know if you realize it but thats exactly what they tried to do and they failed. they writters of x-men 3 failed to realize that the x-men movies is now a FRANCHISE. as many of the members here on GATT have been discussing, there is more than likely a possibility of more x-men movies and/or spinoffs. as to why they decided to make the third x-men movie so final was very foolish.

X-men fans on this forum can all agree that the dark phoenix saga has to be one major story arcs in X-men history. Whether or not the writters of the movie chose to use the actual story that took place in the comic or decided  to slightly change details to fit the movie is not the issue. The real issue is that the dark phoenix character was over shadowed by stupidity of magneto's foolish plans.

(krist now i'm can't stop...) it seemed to me that x-men 3 had a total disregard for what happened in the first 2 movies. characters that were defined and solidified in X1 and X2, all of a sudden changed, without any hint of it.  Xavier, the mutant that stands for everything right and moral all of a sudden throws morality out the door inspite of fear? Jean grey who in the first 2 movies showed no sign of a split personality all of a sudden has one. and you accept it because "they weren't able to fit 15 years of story into a 2 hour movie"? That was never an issue in the first 2 movies. they were still able have proper character and plot development will still being true to the comics and just putting a new fresh spin on the "X-men" title.

to me, the more i discuss this with more ppl it seems that people are settling for medicor writting but great special effects and action scenes. I'm not going to lie, the actions scenes where pretty decent, but without good writting and story to back it up, in my opinion it was just shallow (just like a video game with great graphics and no game play). If you liked the movie cuz the action was great then fine kudos i totally understand that. but to say that they had to fit a lot of story into 2 hours is stupid. in the first two they went slow, took their time and gently carresed the story of x-men until it felt goood. in x3 they speed things up too fast and pre-maturely ejaculated on the storyline.

lastly i totally know that ppl have a difference of opinion but  i think i do know a thing or 2 about movies as its the field that i choose to work in


Media / Re: XMEN 3 scene AFTER credits roll **Spoiler Alert**
« on: May 30, 2006, 03:25:09 AM »
Sorry guys, i thought X-men 3 was the biggest dissapointment this year thus far. everything in this movie was wrong to me. yes there were a few good action scenes but the lack of plot development and character  development hurt the movie bad. There are so many good actors in this movie that just didn't get a chance to act!!!

in my opinion X-men:- The Last Stand is FUBAR! (effed up beyond recognition)

Media / Re: Silent Hill the movie in April
« on: March 23, 2006, 12:45:40 PM »
trailer got me excited but i'm still skeptical. please dear lord let it be good!

Ole Talk / Re: The Versus Thread
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:33:59 AM »
oookay how bout

V (for vendetta) vs D (vampier hunter)

Media / Re: Worsetest movies ever
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:26:01 AM »


I would like to argue the fact that titanic was was a bad movie, when in fact it wasn't. its a great well made film. If you don't like love stories then say you don't like love storys but please don't put titanic in the same category as Street Fighter the movie........lawd!!

Media / Re: MUSIC
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:49:32 AM »

6. Shadow of the Colossus - OST (wam!! LOL)


News / Re: Are Games really to blame? (Violence, death, neglect...)
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:44:13 AM »
baego is right

i know i wasn't brought up playing violent video games. Mario, Sonic, Shinobi. sure some of the game i played when i was younger had a level of violence in it, but today games are getting more explicit, more graphic, more real. and i can have an effect on an immature mind. an immature mind doesn't have to be a young one mind you.

so whether or not gaming can be rooted as the cause of crimes, it sure as hell can influence an individual in both positive and negative ways, just as any media form be it music, movies or even books can.

The Archive / Re: Personality of the Year
« on: January 01, 2006, 08:13:27 AM »
Wha de rass

Baego make the list and Shogun didn't!?

Well i guess the new ppl don't really know shogun anyways, and seeing as how I pack up and fly out to Canada, no one ain't really gonna know me except some of the older members. alyuh remember Jezz? and the sweat video with Touya? and when Baego win against me in the tekken 3 tourney by luck!!! :P

Lol ole times yes.

Sony PlayStation / Re: !EVERYTHING! PS3
« on: December 16, 2005, 06:26:08 AM »

you said fannie


Microsoft Xbox / Re: EVERYTHING Xbox 360
« on: December 16, 2005, 06:18:25 AM »

Console Gaming Archive / Re: Music in games
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:35:23 PM »
the Metal Gear soundtracks are pretty good. composed by academy award winner Harry Gregson-Williams.

and well final fantasy VII

oh and also the god of war soundtrack really impressed me a lot.

Microsoft Xbox / Re: EVERYTHING Xbox 360
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:31:11 PM »
all i saying is that right now all th games that out on xbox 360 don't look oh so much different from the games on ps2 or game cube for that matter

Media / Re: Worsetest movies ever
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:28:49 PM »
queen of the dammed

Ole Talk / Re: The FIAH BUN list
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:26:41 PM »


Ole Talk / Re: The Versus Thread
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:21:04 PM »
peter jackson have giant gorillaz and the evil of the ring on his side.

steven speilberg have E.T.

Ole Talk / Re: The Versus Thread
« on: December 13, 2005, 04:49:25 AM »

- Uncle, Jackie Chan Adventures

but what about
Kenshin Himura vs Darth Vader :P

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